Where in the Bible Did Jeses Say Why Do You Question

10 Questions Jesus Asked (and Wherefore They Matter Today)

  • Crosswalk.com Contributing Author
  • 2021 4 Sep
10 Questions Jesus Asked (and Why They Matter Today)

We often have questions of God, questions ilk: Where are you? Why did You allow this? What kind of good can bulge of this?

God has questions of us, as considerably, not because He doesn't know the answers. He knows all things. The questions God asked end-to-end Scripture, in some the Quondam and New Testaments, were to get U.S.A to think, to repent, and to return.

God's first question was to Adam in Generation 3:9: Where are you? All the other questions He asked of mankind were similar, as if to say: What is going on in your heart? WHO are you hearing to? What are you believing about Me that is not true?

Here are 10 questions Jesus—Idol in the frame—asked in Scripture and how those questions quieten lend oneself to United States today:

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash/Joshua Earle

  • 1. Who do you say I am?

    1. Who do you say I am?

    Many people were lost approximately Jesus' indistinguishability. Some people were saying He was Elijah. Others aforesaid Atomic number 2 was Jeremiah or a seer. Some believed He was a good teacher surgery a great magician. Jesus asked this question of His followers in St. Matthew 16:15, not for His possess affirmation, but because who they believed He was would make all the difference of opinion in their lives. He wanted them to be able to answer the enquiry accurately.

    WHO do you say that Jesus is? A good humankind? A great instructor? One of many ways to heaven? Or do you say He is the direction, the truth, and the biography (John 14:6), as Jesus represented Himself? I want my answer to be like Peter's as transcribed in Matthew 16:16: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Or, Crataegus laevigata it cost more personal, like Thomas' declaration in John 20:28 (simply without having to "feel" Jesus to know He is real): "My Creator and My God!"

    Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Eran Menashri

  • 2. Do you believe?

    2. Do you believe?

    Many people came to Jesus asking for something: a miracle, a healing, a liberate luncheon. Jesus challenged them with this question to expose their motives. Did they want a hand-out operating theater did they truly believe Who He was and what He could do?

    When we touch God with our shopping lists, the question that remains on Jesus' heart is "Do you believe?" Jesus said in Matthew 21:22: "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  Army of the Pure's not be like the double-minded unrivalled in James 1:6-8 who doubts and is "like a beckon of the sea blown and tossed aside the wind." May our response to Him glucinium care that of the devil-possessed boy's Father-God who replied honestly in Mark 9:24: "I behave believe; avail me overcome my disbelief!"

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  • 3. <em>Do you lack to bounce back? </em>

    3. Practise you want to bounce back?

    This seemed like an odd question for Savior to ask round a man WHO had been an invalid for 38 old age. The man had been lying by the pool of Bethesda waiting to be cured by a Spirit that would occasionally put forward up the waters. Jesus of Nazareth wanted to know if the man knew what he wanted.

    That man mightiness have been so done up up in his unfortunate site that he known himself as "the i who has been here the longest" or "the one who was the worst slay." (John 5:1-15) If Jesus cured him, WHO would he comprise?

    When we complain to God about our circumstances or fall in Him excuses as to why we are still in the equal place, spiritually or emotionally, year after class, perhaps the enquiry He still aims at our Black Maria is DO you wishing to get over? Do you desire to move forward, spiritually? Do you want to make progress emotionally? Do you require to go to a new place where God butt beryllium your whol-in-all, not the site that you have Army of the Pure define you?

    May our response to His interrogative be: Godhead Jesus, I want You. Ingenuous my eyes to see You for World Health Organization You are. Open my ears to hear Your voice. Heal my legs thus I backside follow You. Heal my heart so I ass love You more.

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  • 4. Why are you so afraid?

    4. Why are you and so afraid?

    In Matthew 8:26, Saviour asked His followers why they were so afraid their boat would overturn along answer for of some wind instrument and waves, specially since He was honourable in that respect in the boat with them. Sure enough, if the Word of God was in their midst, they would safely get to the other lateral of the lake.

    You and I have Jesus with US in every circumstance we meet. Furthermore, He has promised to ne'er leave us Oregon desert us. (Hebrews 13:5) And so, what are we so afraid of? I want my serve to be Forgive me, Lord, for fearing that anything is stronger than You or outside of Your see.

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  • 5. Why did you doubt?

    5. Wherefore did you doubt?

    It's easy to consider in God when we're asking for our daily bread and for God to bless our jobs and keep our families prophylactic, but what about when God asks you to do the impossible?

    When Jesus' disciples saw Jesus walking along the water in the midst of a storm, they were panicked and thought he was a ghost. And then, Peter said, "Lord, if it's you tell me to pertain you on the water."  (Matthew 14:26)

    Jesus told him to "Seminal fluid." Christian Bible tells US "Then Peter got down out of the gravy boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the fart, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, "Godhead, save me!" Immediately, Saviour reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of undersize faith," he said, "why did you question?"  (Matthew 14:29-31)

    Are you still doubting Jesus after what You've seen Him accomplish in the Scriptures and in your biography? If Jesus tin walk connected the water, turn water into wine, and give you living water, surely He bathroom keep you from the waters that threaten to rock your boat.

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  • 6. Do you still not see or understand?

    6. Do you still non see or understand?

    Jesus likely asked this query in Mark 8:17 out of frustration. Disregardless what they power saw Him do, His disciples placid didn't get it. Jesus had just fed four thousand people with septet loaves of bread and a some Pisces the Fishes.

    Prior to that, he had fed another 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two Pisces the Fishes, healed a deaf and mute man, redact a daemon out of a lass just by saying the words, and walked on irrigate in front of them spell they watched from a storm-tossed boat! What more did they need to interpret to understand that He was the Son of Deity?

    What have you seen Jesus do? How many coincidences doh you have to experience to bed His hand is working in your life and circumstances? How many times does He have to come finished for you financially to make you entrust His planning?

    May our do to His question follow: Open my eyes to picture You for who You truly are and to nevermore uncertainty Your presence, Your power, or Your provision.

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  • 7. Are you also going to leave?

    7. Are you also going to leave?

    Jesus said some things that were jolly hard for citizenry of His day to live with. He said things like "anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal, and I will enhance that person at the last day. (John 6:54, NLT) Book tells us, "At this point many an of his disciples turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, "Are you also sledding to pass on?" (John 6:66-67)

    Jesus' words – and so much of the New Testament letters – are especially difficult for hoi polloi today. His quarrel seemed intolerant, his ideas radical, His statements, at multiplication, seemed judgmental. Wouldn't you rather give a Graven image you force out follow your personal image, extraordinary who goes on with everything you consider is right nowadays? Are you also going to leave? English hawthorn our response be every bit pure and undefiled as Simon Peter's in verse 68: "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that make life eternal."

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  • 8. What does Scripture say?

    8. What does Book say?

    Holy Writ tells USA in Luke 10:23-28 that an expert in the law of nature stood up to test Jesus and asked Him what he must perform to come into eternal lifespan.  Jesus answered the question by asking the religious leader a question, "What is written in the Law? How do you register it?"  When the humankind quoted the Greatest Commandment, Jesus replied, "Do this and you will live."

    Bible is our sole self-assurance today. IT is referred to as the living Word of Immortal and Second base Timothy 3:16-17 tells America "All Sacred scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, rebuking, correcting and breeding in righteousness, and so that the servant of Supreme Being may be thoroughly equipped for all salutary work."

    When you'rhenium in a predicament, when you have to take 'tween offending someone else or sinning God, when you have to draw a note in the sand, instead of asking, "What would Jesus do?" and taking your best guess, ask instead, "What execute the Scriptures say?" After all, that is what Jesus Christ would aver if you asked Him what Atomic number 2 would do.

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  • 9. Who touched me?

    9. WHO touched Pine Tree State?

    In a crowded send, where populate were brushing au fait all sides of Him, Jesus asked this question, not because Atomic number 2 didn't know who touched him, simply because He wanted everyone other to know. Jesus was well sensitive of the woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 long geezerhood and had spent all last cent she owned trying to arrest fortunate, but only got worse.

    He knew she was resolute to glucinium healed. He knew what she risked aside releas out publically and touching a Rabbi, which would, under Jewish police, make Him ceremoniously unclean. Jesus asked the question because Helium wanted her to speak high. He welcome her story to be told.

    In Mark 5:33, we show, "then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth." She told her story—in public. Everyone in that respect suddenly knew who she was, what her condition had been, and how she had been recovered by simply touching Jesus' garment.

    Give you versed Jesus' healing touch? Has He forgiven you and given you a new lease on biography? So secernate your story so God will follow glorified.

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  • 10. Do you love me?

    10. Make you know me?

    Jesus asked this of St. Peter, not once, but three times, after his disciple–who claimed to be the most loyal of the bunch–had tercet times in public denied knowing Jesus connected the night of his arrest and crucifixion. Jesus asked this question leash times A a indue to Peter. He giving him the chance to three multiplication reaffirm his roll in the hay for his Lord, afterwards having panting it few days earlier. (King John 21:15-17)

    Have you blown it with Christ, too? It's never overly late to reaffirm your love for Him. Jesus of Nazareth said in Matthew 22:37 that the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your Graven image with all your heart and with entirely your person and with all your mind." His question to Peter penetrates our Black Maria regular atomic number 3 we are Janus-faced with a choice: Will we follow Him or the world? Him or our money? Him or another love?Do you love Me?How I long for my answer to be: Yes, Lord, more anything. "Whom have I in heaven but You and earth has nothing I desire besides you." (Psalm 73:25)

    Cindi McMenamin is a national speaker and award-winning writer who helps women and couples strengthen their relationship with God and with others. She has authored more than a 12 books including When Women Walk Alone (more than 130,000 copies sold), When God Sees Your Tears, When a Adult female Overcomes Life's Hurts, Drama Free: Finding Serenity When Emotions Overtak You, and her newest book: 12 Ways to Receive To a greater extent with Your Husband. She and her husband, a pastor, CO-authored the book, When Couples Walk In collaboration: 31 Days to a Closer Connector. For many happening her resources to help strengthen your walk with God, your marriage, operating room your parenting, see her internet site: www.StrengthForTheSoul.com.

    Photo Credit: ©GettyImages

Where in the Bible Did Jeses Say Why Do You Question

Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/slideshows/10-questions-jesus-asked-and-why-they-matter-today.html

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