Spookley the Square Pumpkin Front and Back Cover

Looking for a fun-filled way for your family to celebrate fall and Halloween? The South Carolina Children's Theatre's "Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The Musical" is a joyful and captivating performance that tells a meaningful story. Kidding Around's India went to the first performance and shares her impressions. With only one weekend of performances left, the time to buy tickets is now!

Special thanks to the South Carolina Children's Theatre for providing tickets to this performance.

My kids missed out this weekend. They were both under the weather and unable to see "Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The Musical" with me. However, I am surely buying tickets to next weekend's performance! This was a fun-filled performance that I don't want them to miss!

Everyone in our house is a fan of SCCT. Prior to the pandemic, we had gone to a few of their plays, a handful of the Tell-Me-a-Story Theatre performances, a birthday party or two, and my son had taken some classes with them. However, until this weekend, we had not been in their new theatre. It was a treat to be back in SCCT's midst! The fun-filled and festive story of Spookley is one that will delight almost anyone!

Spookley cast
©2021 – Escobar Photography

Spookley is Not Your Average Pumpkin

Spookley is a square pumpkin living in a round pumpkin world. Unfortunately, with the Pick of the Pumpkin Patch contest on the horizon, other pumpkins in Farmer Hill's pumpkin patch feel threatened by the new pumpkin's presence in the competition. The other pumpkins attempt to discourage Spookley from entering the contest. However, encouraged by arachnid buddies Edgar, Allan, and Poe, Spookley finds the bravery to give the competition a try. After exhibiting some bravery during a storm, Spookley is then championed by the other pumpkins and is ultimately chosen as the Pick of the Patch.

"You can't judge a book – or a pumpkin – by its cover."

There are several valuable lessons delivered during this performance. First, by entering the Pick of the Patch contest, Spookley reminds us about the importance of trying, even when we're scared or intimidated.  Audience members are also taught that sometimes our differences can be our strengths. Even though Spookley is a square pumpkin that can't roll along easily with the other pumpkins, Spookley is the perfect shape for plugging a hole in the fence during a violent storm. Spookley's square shape ultimately saves the other pumpkins from their demise. The other pumpkins offer heartfelt apologies and remind one another about the importance of being inclusive of others.

Spookley with Spiders
©2021 – Escobar Photography

Spookley The Square Pumpkin: The Musical Entertains

While valuable lessons are important, entertaining wiggly kids is paramount and SCCT delivers! Prior to the start of the performance, audience members were tapping their toes and chair-dancing to some fun Halloween music.

There's the triple threat of theatre (singing, dancing, and acting), but the cast members of "Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The Musical" are a QUADRUPLE threat. There's puppetry! Each of the pumpkins is a hand-puppet manipulated by actors as they execute their dialogue, singing, and dancing! Two of the pumpkins, Little Tom and Big Tom, are attached to one another. In turn, their puppeteer, Sanjay Govindarajan, acts out both of their unique roles throughout the entire performance with two distinct voices. That was impressive!

Each of the characters in the play exhibits their own personalities and, in turn, each child will surely have a favorite. (I am partial to the whimsical Bobo who REALLY likes to be in the spotlight!) Others might identify with the story's hero Spookley, who is timid at first, but then finds a place in the patch. I know for sure that my kids will ask for puppets after this performance. In addition to the puppetry, the music, dancing, and story were captivating. The nearly full theatre was all eyes on the stage throughout the performance!

©2021 – Escobar Photography

After the performance, the cast members took their bows and then, led by Jack Scarecrow, they fielded a few questions from the audience. There were few questions and mostly joyous exclamations of "I love Spookley! You all were great!" I agree.

As I left the theatre, I asked another family what they thought of the performance. The adults all agreed that the lessons were important ones that they appreciated. They were also impressed that the performance held their six-year-old's attention the entire time. He was clutching a stuffed Spookley doll and explained that the music and the lovable character of Spookley were his favorite. SCCT has a small kiosk in the lobby from which they are selling souvenirs from the play. I saw many kids holding their own Spookley dolls and copies of the Spookley book after the performance.

About the Theatre

This was my first time in SCCT's new building. It is a bright, airy building that is easy to navigate. Plenty of staff was available to help guests to find whatever they may need. The conscious consumer in me also appreciated that the playbill was available electronically, with QR codes to scan placed strategically around the building.

When you attend a performance at SCCT, be sure to allow enough time for parking. I arrived about 25 minutes early and it seemed like the SCCT parking lot was almost filled. Be sure to allow enough time to park, get settled, and get in those last-minute potty breaks for yourself and others in your party before the performance.

Also, prior to attending, check out the theatre's most recent expectations and precautions concerning COVID-19.

Pro tip: Before or after the performance, consider popping over to Gather GVL. It's a family-friendly outdoor food hall across the street from the theatre. I went by afterward to buy some donuts for my family.

Buy Tickets for Spookley Now

"Spookley the Square Pumpkin: The Musical" is recommended for kids in K4 – 8th grade and has a run time of about one hour. The South Carolina Children's Theatre doors open 30 minutes before the performance.

Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased by clicking on the desired show date and time below. For remaining performances, costumes are encouraged!

October 30th | 10:30 am
October 30th | 2:00 pm
October 30th | 4:30 pm
October 31st | 2:00 pm
October 31st | 4:30 pm

The South Carolina Children's Theatre
153 Augusta Street, Greenville, 29601
Box Office | Phone: 864.235.2885 ext. 103
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

Spookley the Square Pumpkin Front and Back Cover

Source: https://kiddingaroundgreenville.com/spookley-the-square-pumpkin-the-musical

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